


Moon loves penguins. Her lifelong ambition is to study penguins in Antarctica. She believes she’ll meet her destined mate just like penguins do. One day, Moon runs into Adley, a guy in a penguin suit fortuitously making penguin courtship gestures at her. She believes the penguin-scented Adley is her fate. As they spend time together, Adley is moved by Moon’s genuineness and passion. Just when their relationship has made some progress, Moon is recommended for an exchange program to the UK, throwing Moon into a dilemma between pursuing love and her dream.

導演︰楊宥瑜 Yuyu YANG 畢業於臺灣藝術大學電影學系,美國電影學院製片系藝術創作碩士。擁有多年國際影視開發製作經驗,曾參與《再見瓦城》、《功夫熊貓3》、《孤味》等製作。2021年編導短片作品《命中註定那頭鵝》入圍金穗獎、倫敦國際短片影展、東京短片節等,並於2024年延伸為其首部劇情長片作品。 Yuyu YANG is an experienced producer who transitioned to writing and directing with her first short film, Penguin Girl, which was selected to many international film festivals, including the 2022 Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia. The short film


活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2024/10/12 18:30:00 高雄市立圖書館總館 –+230 2024/10/12 20:38:00
