

6/8-6/10 將為大家帶來『文青酷一夏,文酷市集』主題活動,聚焦在炎炎夏日中,我們如何透過文創商品讓生活沁入一絲涼意。活動期間,將舉辦免費的文創課程,如:禪繞畫、紙膠帶拼貼教學活動,歡迎大家屆時一起共襄盛舉。通過這一系列活動,我們希望能夠讓大家更加接近文創產品,感受到文創帶來的獨特魅力和涼爽感受,從而在熱浪中找到一片心靈的綠洲。

Since its establishment in 2019, Respective Stationery Market has been dedicated to developing a cultural and creative indoor market, becoming a renowned platform that gathers a variety of young creators. Respective Stationery Market is not merely a place for exhibition or sales; it is also a core hub for cultural and creative exchanges, bringing together diverse forms of creativity such as handicrafts, illustrations, and designs, highlighting the rich and colorful creative energy of Taiwan.
From June 8th to June 10th, we will present the “Cool Summer at Respective Stationery Market” theme event, focusing on how we can bring a touch of coolness to life through cultural and creative products during the hot summer days. During the event, free cultural and creative courses will be offered, such as Zentangle drawing and washi tape collage workshops, welcoming everyone to join us for this grand occasion. Through this series of activities, we hope to bring everyone closer to cultural and creative products, to experience the unique charm and cool sensation they bring, and to find an oasis for the soul amidst the heatwave.



活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2024/06/08 10:00:00 國際展演館 無售票 2024/06/10 10:00:00
