
Calligraphy is often regarded as the quintessential gateway to comprehending and immersing oneself in Chinese culture, serving as an unparalleled medium for Taiwan-Japan cultural exchange. This exhibition features works by Mr. Watanabe Shuseki and his disciples, showcasing zhuan (篆, seal script), li (隸, clerical script), kai (楷, regular script), xing (行, semi-cursive script), and cao (草, cursive script). The kai, xing, and cao scripts exemplify the refined, fluid, and graceful aesthetics of Japan’s shokaisha, a legacy preserved for over a century.

活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2025/03/29 00:00:00 第1、2展覽廳 無售票 2025/04/06 00:00:00
