



Rooted: An introduction to the resistance and practices of New Zealand’s Māori and Pacific artists

The exhibition “Between Tides and Soil” is scheduled to open on Dec 14, 2024 at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. Stretching from the museum’s long time commitment to indigenous art in Taiwan and beyond and a continuation of the spirit of the 2021 “Pan-Austro-Nesian Arts Festival,” the exhibition uses the ever-changing boundary between the tides and land as a metaphor to explore issues such as the development of land and marine resources, the dispersal of borders, the conservation of island/ocean species, and the transmission of marine culture. Centered around the core question “Who owns the land and the ocean?”, this project examining issues of natural resource ownership and the resulting ethnic conflicts. It will also reflect on the potential for art to inspire discussions and seek paths toward healing.
Before the official opening of the exhibition, a series of introductory lectures are planned to spark interest, inviting audiences to engage with topics like the ocean, ecology, and environmental development. This lecture will feature New Zealand curator Benny Chan, who will discuss the development of Māori and Pacific art in New Zealand, and introduce recent works by Māori and Pacific artists on themes related to land development, land ownership, and the ocean.

【關於講者】 陳霈翰(Benny Chan) 是奧克蘭 Bergman Gallery 的畫廊經理和策展人。Benny 出生於香港,父母是台灣人,在紐西蘭長大。他於2009年畢業於奧克蘭大學,獲得視覺藝術學士學位,曾在奧克蘭美術館 Toi o Tāmaki 和 Te Uru Waitākere 當代美術館工作。他也曾為紐西蘭創意藝術委員會工作,參與了2019年威尼斯雙年展紐西蘭館的項目。Benny 曾在2017年威尼斯雙年展中參與李明維的藝術作品《修補計劃》,並於2022年隨 Bergman Gallery 團隊共同推動 Mahiriki Tangaroa 的場域特定裝置作品《Kaveinga – 海洋的天使》於義大利威尼斯的「個人結構」展出。他最近策劃的展覽包括《A Place to Call Home: 當代紐西蘭亞洲藝術》(2023)等

活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2024/09/24 16:00:00 鼓山區(高雄市)= 無售票 2024/09/24 17:30:00