「藝百家100+」 百位藝師誕生的現在進行式

這是一場關於 22 種傳統技藝、114 位準藝師如何誕生的展覽。走進展間,你將沈浸在準藝師們的動畫世界中,不只透過靜態的文字閱讀,還能彷彿身歷其境般地一邊品味藝術、一邊被藝師們平凡中見不凡的成長故事所感動,在他們流動的身段與技藝中得到啟發,進而想像自己閃閃發光的未來…..

This is an exhibition on the birth of 22 traditional crafts and 114 aspiring artists. Visiting the exhibition room, you will immerse yourself in the animation world of aspiring artists, reading static text, savoring art and being moved by the extraordinary growth stories of artists. Inspired by their flowing figures and skills, you will imagine your own shining future.


活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2025/01/18 09:00:00 國際展演館A館 無售票 2026/01/17 09:00:00
