In-Between 過渡之境 Laura Batier 個展

In-Between 過渡之境
Laura Batier 個展 Laura Baiter Solo Exhibition
Laura Bartier
1995年生法國人,居住並工作於巴黎和瓦茲大區,窯座花了 #23個月 完成一檔駐村的藝術家。
Laura 的織品是實踐 #當代技術 與 #傳統技術 的混合,而她創作在於一種對關係的呼喚:細微的根深入後破解人類中心主義僵硬化的思維模式、讓我們在不曾尋找對方的地方相遇、從事物的塵埃中找到生態系統的平衡。她的創作跨足不同的媒體(繪畫、雕塑、紡織、裝置),對Laura來說這些製作過程皆是探索環境一種方式,且其作品源於一種非常本能的實踐。
Laura Bartier
Born in 1995 in France, Laura lives and works in Paris and the Oise region, and she is an artist who had spent 23 months with YÁO’s residency program.
The folds of dragonfly wings, invisible delicate frameworks, and evaporating spider webs are the less noticeable things that often capture Laura’s attention. These are the things that exist on the margins of our anthropocentric and hierarchical societies.
Laura’s textile practice is a blend of contemporary and traditional techniques, and her work calls for a rethinking of relationships: breaking down the rigid thought patterns of anthropocentrism with subtle roots, finding balance in ecosystems from the smallest things, and encounters in places we never sought. Her creations span various media, including painting, sculpture, textiles, and installations, each serving as a unique lens through which she explores the environment. Her works emerge from a deeply instinctive practice, where intuition and hands-on engagement guide her artistic journey.
In Laura’s creations, flowers blooming in cracks and species thriving amidst ruins serve as poignant symbols of culture’s resilience in today’s society. This imagery highlights a world that has often neglected its cultural roots and traditions. Through these powerful metaphors, she invites viewers to reflect on how cultural heritage can persist and evolve, even when its value is frequently overlooked in contemporary life.
工作室照片來源 / studio photos from:Villa Panthéon residence, Marie du 5eme, Paris
策展 Curated by / 陳瑋萱
視覺設計Graphic design by / Room G Design Studio
主辦單位 Hosted by / 窯座

開展日期 Opening / 07.13(六)15:00
展覽日期 Dates / 2024.07.13-2024.08.18
開放時間 Time / 15:00-20:00(週一、二公休)
藝術家工作坊 Workshop /
07.20(六)、 07.21(日)、 08.03(六) 、08.04(日)
閉幕演出 Performance / 08.17 (六)
展覽地點 Venue / 窯座 Yáo(台中市西區民生路126巷9號2F)

#紡織 #雕塑 #藝術裝置 #個展

活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2024/07/13 15:00:00 西區(臺中市)= 無售票 2024/08/18 20:00:00
