The Itchyworms Taiwan Tour 2024 – Kaohsiung

The Itchyworms, those infectious purveyors of Pinoy pop, are on a mission to spread their musical magic far and wide!

Last year saw these merry melody-makers jet-setting to the USA, Singapore, and Japan, and they’ve got even bigger plans for 2024!

Their “world exploration tour” is set to hit even more exciting destinations, with Australia, Taiwan, Japan, and Canada all on the itinerary!

And who knows? There might be more surprises in store!

In April, The Itchyworms are hitting the vibrant streets of Taiwan for the very first time! Prepare to be serenaded amidst the aroma of milk tea with #AkinKaNaLangTaiwan.


活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2024/04/19 20:00:00 高雄流行音樂中心 單人+600;現場+800;雙人套票+1000 2024/04/19 23:00:00