
《憤怒》The Fury 級別|普遍級 7+

導演:詩琳娜夏特Shirin Neshat
美國、丹麥 USA, Denmark|2023|VR360|Colour|6min|英文 English |中文字幕 Mandarin Subtitles|普遍級 G7+


The Fury, created by Shirin Neshat, is a two-part narrative that takes the audience through the emotional turmoil experienced by the Iranian protagonist. The artwork is presented through a two-channel video and depicts the psychological and emotional state of a woman who remains haunted by violent memories of her detention. The narrative continues with a virtual reality work that transports the audience to experience the physical and emotional charge of this woman.

活動時間 活動地點 活動票價 結束時間
2023/11/03 14:00:00 VR體感劇院 影友優惠單人票+225;全票+250 2023/11/30 20:30:00
